
NACWA Peak Performance Awards

River Road WWTP

Platinum 21: 2000 – 2021

Pennington WWTP

Platinum 13: 2008 – 2021

Hopewell WWTP

Platinum 13: 2008 – 2021

NACWA’s Peak Performance Awards recognize member agency facilities for outstanding compliance of their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit limits. This recognition program consists of three categories – Platinum, Gold and Silver.



NJDEP Environmental Stewardship Award:



The Watershed Institute (formerly SBMWA)

Association River Friendly Certification:


The Watershed Institute (formerly SBMWA)

The Watershed Institute (formerly The Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association) pioneered the River-Friendly Programs in the 1990s. They are central New Jersey’s first environmental group. Since 1949 The Watershed Institute has worked to keep water clean, safe, and healthy through conservation, advocacy, science, and education. The Watershed Institute speaks out for local water and the environment, protects and restores sensitive habitats, tests waterways for pollution and inspires others to care for and protect the natural world. Their goal is to improve the health and quality of central New Jersey’s water and sustain a network of protected habitats for wildlife and people. They have a successful track record of more than 60 years of effective environmental protection.

The Watershed Institute is a member-supported, 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization, headquartered at the LEED Platinum Certified Watershed Center on the beautiful 930-acre Watershed Reserve.


New Jersey Association of Environmental

Authorities Wave Awards

Metals Reduction: 1996
Competitive Authority: 2004
Energy Saving: 2011