Treatment Works Application Requirements

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-22 governing Treatment Works Approvals, SBRSA shall issue Treatment Works Approvals for any new Discharge or a Discharge of 2,000 gallons per day or more and for any smaller projects requiring NJDEP approval. SBRSA requires a Treatment Works Approval so that it can assure compatibility of waste types and will be aware of any impact on its Treatment Works capacity. The issuance of any Treatment Works Approval does not constitute any assurance or guarantee that any industrial Pretreatment works is capable of meeting, or will meet, any applicable categorical or local Effluent Limitation.

The standards and procedures for submitting a Treatment Works Application are outlined in Revised Resolution Affirming Terms for approval for TWA-1 Sewer Extension Applications (Amended 11/26/01).

The NJDEP TWA application can be found in the link provided

Download the Treatment Works Application Requirements